Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Say NO to Drugs-PSA Poster

My topic was about Saying no to drugs I learned that when you do marijuana you loose brain cells every time you do it.Also when you drink it makes you do the most stupidest things that you would never do if you didn't drink alcohol.Also when you smoke cigarettes there is a big chance that you will get cancer if you have done it for a long time.

The interesting facts i used from the website was Cannabis has been linked to mental health problems such as schizophrenia, and, when smoked, to lung diseases including asthma. Cannabis effects how your brain the more drugs that you do the harder it is for you to learn about things you never knew about.

This is my rough draft on what drugs there are and what they do.

This is my Final Draft. It is to show all of the bad effects of drugs and what they do to your body!!!!SO DON'T DO DRUGS! Its not good for you.
PSA-Say No to Drugs poster designed by Alec Holliday

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